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  • JL Audio C7-650cw

    6.5” (16.5cm) Bas-/Mellemtone 244 JLC7650CW

    JL Audio C7-650cw

    6.5” (16.5cm) Bas-/Mellemtone
    • Prismatch på alle mærker
    • Gratis fragt ved køb over 899,-
    • 30 dages fuld returret og 2 års garanti
    • Trustpilot-score: FREMRAGENDE
    • Besøg vores butik i Odense her
    Værktøj til montering af højttalere, 4 dele
    Værktøj til montering af højttalere, 4 dele
    Perfekt til afmontering af paneler etc.
    1.5mm² OFC Højttalerkabel Sort, 10 mtr
    1.5mm² OFC Højttalerkabel Sort, 10 mtr
    Spadesko til højttalere, 12par (12x2.8mm+12x4.8mm)
    Spadesko til højttalere, 12par (12x2.8mm+12x4.8mm)
    Til Kabel 1,5 - 2,5mm² forgyldt
    4699 DKK
    PR. STK inkl. moms

    • Prismatch på alle mærker
    • Gratis fragt ved køb over 899,-
    • 30 dages fuld returret og 2 års garanti
    • Trustpilot-score: FREMRAGENDE
    • Besøg vores butik i Odense her
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    BEMÆRK! Prisen er for 1 stk og uden delefilter (anvendes i aktive systemer)

    JL Audio's Chief Engineer and CEO, Lucio Proni, set the bar at the highest level, with a clear mission to create our finest-ever automotive component speakers. C7 World PremiereUnder his direction, engineering resources were assigned to develop each C7 speaker as a clean-sheet design, optimized for car audio applications.

    C7 design solutions were created and refined using JL AUDIO's powerful mechanical and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) modeling systems, including our proprietary Dynamic Motor Analysis (DMA) software. These studies led to innovative motor and suspension solutions, which were key to meeting the C7 design goals for smooth, off-axis response, dynamic stability and low distortion.

    No detail, material or design element went unexamined in each of the C7 speakers: from the exotic, corundum ceramic-coated diaphragm of the C7 tweeter, to the intricately machined motor plates of the C7 midrange, which significantly improve linearity. Even seemingly small details were engineered with a great deal of thought-like the way the C7-350cm's specially engineered lead wires attach to the rear suspension to prevent noise, without damaging the spider material's integrity. The C7-650cw woofer's dust cap went through ten prototype generations before arriving at the solution that resulted in the smoothest high frequency response and the best mechanical integrity. These details, and hundreds of others like them, simply had to be perfect for the design team to approve them for the C7 drivers.

    We expect that C7 system designers will seek to avoid technical compromises, so we have designed C7 for use with active crossovers. A high-quality DSP, such as the JL Audio TwK™ 88/ D8, with individual amplifier channels for each C7 are the recommended architecture for peak performance. With this approach, the system designer can use delay, crossover parameters and precise equalization to adjust for speaker placement, cabin acoustics and target response.

    This leads to a spectacular musical presentation, easily exceeding the performance boundaries of typical, high-end, car audio speaker systems. When you listen to C7, you will hear a level of resolution, precision and imaging that suspends disbelief, opening a window to an intensely pure audio experience.

    C7 is the pinnacle of JL Audio automotive loudspeaker design, benefiting from our most advanced development tools and a complete commitment to precision manufacturing.

    The C7-650cw component woofer is capable of operating in a 3-way system, with a midrange and tweeter, or with only a tweeter in a 2-way configuration. Engineered from the ground up, it has exceptional linear excursion capability and outstanding linearity, resulting in solid mid-bass and pure, precise, mid-range performance. Distortion and non-linearities have been minimized through critical optimization of dynamic motor and suspension behaviors.

    Passive crossover networks are not included with C7 drivers, as they are designed for active systems. Instead, we recommend a high-quality tuning DSP, such as the JL Audio TwK™ 88 or D8, and a dedicated amplifier channel for each C7 loudspeaker in the system. Precise setup of equalization, delay and crossover filters will ensure optimal in-vehicle performance.

    C7-650cw Design Notes:
    Cone and Dust Cap: Vacuum-formed, mineral-filled polypropylene material offers excellent damping and low mass. The cone body features a gentle curvilinear profile to optimize response. A specially shaped dust cap attaches to the cone body and the voice coil former to improve high frequency behavior.

    Suspension design: The moving assembly is suspended and damped via a large-diameter, linear profile spider formed from a Nomex®/polycotton blend, and a positive-roll, rubber surround. The two combine to provide optimum damping without prematurely restricting the C7-650cw's outstanding excursion capability.

    Motor Design: The C7-650cw employs a high-density magnetic circuit with a high-grade Y35 Strontium-ferrite magnet, and a specially machined, T-Yoke motor topology. Motor magnetics have been precisely optimized utilizing advanced FEA tools to reduce distortion and provide linear motor force throughout the driver's performance range.

    A 32 mm (1.27 inch) diameter, overhung voice coil is employed, wound with copper wire onto a fiberglass voice coil former. The oversized voice coil offers extended power handling capability, minimizing thermal compression and distortion at higher listening levels. Chassis Design: A purpose-engineered cast alloy basket is employed, featuring thin spokes to maximize rear open area, and our Patented Elevated Frame Cooling technology.

    Design Bandwidth:
    With 48 dB/octave filters: 50 Hz - 5 kHz
    With 24 dB/octave filters: 60 Hz - 5 kHz
    With 12 dB/octave filters: 70 Hz - 5 kHz

    Built in USA with Global Components
    Sold individually, with a cast-alloy grille tray, one fine mesh steel grille insert and one spiral steel grille insert.

    The performance of every C7 driver is tested and verified, then assigned a unique serial number. Register your C7 loudspeaker online to receive a copy of its specific Acoustical Test Report.

    Type: 3.5 (90 mm) Mellemtonehøjttaler
    Effekt: 200 Watt Max / 100 WRMS
    Frekvensområde: 300 - 10.000 Hz
    Impedans: 4 ohm
    Monteringshul: 73 mm
    Monteringsdybde: 37 mm

    JL AUDIO - Amerikansk bilstereo i absolut topklasse!
    JL Audio blev grundlagt i 1975 af James Jim Birch og Lucio Proni og i løbet af få år, og siden 1980'erne har de været markedsledende i USA.
    JL Audio er i dag kendt for deres egenudvikling af banebrydende produkter, samt for at have nogle af de højest ydende produkter på markedet.
    Mange produkter som i dag synes almindelige blev i sin tid udviklet af JL Audio (bilspecifikke subwoofere, subwoofere med høj Xmax/vandring til små kabinetter, impedans-optimerede forstærkere etc.) og dette er blandt andet et resultat af deres suveræne udviklingsafdeling og store skare af ingeniører, som i dag står for en stor del af de patenter JL Audio har fået i bilstereobranchen.
    Det har i mange været normalt at JL Audio UDVIKLER produkterne og idéerne og at konkurrenterne KOPIERER dem.
    Derfor kan du som kunde være 100% sikker på at få et enestående kvalitetsprodukt når du køber JL Audio.

    Desværre har JL Audio også været kendt for at ligge i den dyrere ende af prisskalaen (og samtidig været svært at skaffe i Danmark), men det er der nu lavet om på med introduktionen af deres prisbillige JX-serie, samt samarbejdet med CARSound Bilstereo som dansk importør og distributør i Danmark og vi glæder os virkelig til at vise dig hvad JL Audio kan!

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